Carousel Malinois News 2005!

Dec 16, 17, 19th, 2005
Ch. U-CD Carousel's Fields of Gold CDX, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned a qualifying score each day in Open A obed with scores of 194, 196 and 195 and first place each day!

Dec 11, 2005
Ch. U-CD Carousel's Fields of Gold CDX, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned a qualifying score in Open A obed with a score of 197 and 1st place, High scoring Malinois and the yougest dog with a qualifying score!

December 11, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RA, CL2, CL3-R, CL3-F, CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned
Earned his 1st AKC Novice jumpers Agility leg with a 3rd place!

December 11, 2005
Carousel's Diamond in the Sky "Zoey" owned and shown by Christa Hise earned her
1st AKC standard Agility leg with a perfect score and 1st place!

Dec 11, 2005
Carousel's Catch a Silver Ring, CGC "Cruise" owned and shown by Mary Wilmoth was winners dog for 1 point.

Dec 3, 2005
Carousel's Money Talks, CGC "Apache" owned and trialed by Polly Frabrizio passed his BH for Schutzhund.
New BH

November 18, 20, 21, 22, 2005
Carousel's Double Time CGC"Benson" owned by Polly Frabrizio was winners dog for 1 point all 4 days!

November 20, 2005
Carousel's Catch a Silver Ring, CGC "Cruise" owned and shown by Mary Wilmoth was winners dog for 1 point.

November 19, 2005
Carousel's Catch a Silver Ring, CGC "Cruise" owned and shown by Mary Wilmoth was winners dog and BOS over a special for 2 points!

November 6, 2005
Ch. U-CD Carousel's Fields of Gold CDX, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned a qualifying score in Open A obed with a score of 197 and 2nd place.

October 30, 2005
Carousel's Time Traveler FDCh "Traveler" owned by Barbara Choo Earned his 3rd Rally Novice leg in Canada, and passed his CGN test. -
New RN and New CGN

October 30, 2005
Ch. U-CD Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned her 3rd qualifying score in Open A obed with a score of 197 and 1st place.

October 30, 2005
Carousel's Gold Stryke, NA, NAJ, NAP "Stryker" owned by Pat Turpyn earned his 3rd qualifying score in Open Jumpers Agility with a 2nd place running a 35 sec course in 22.74 seconds and 100 points.

Oct 22-23, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RA, CL1, CL3R, CL2H, CL2-F CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri had another great CPE Agility weekend! 5 out of 10 runs with a 1st, two 2nds, and a 3rd and completed all of level 2.
Streaker is now - CL2, CL3-R, CL3-F! for CPE agility.

October 19, 2005
Carousel's Golden Opportunity, CD (CKC), HiC(s), CGN "Shine" returned home to Oregon and is now soly owned by Catherine Shields, watch for Shine at upcoming AKC Breed shows and Obedience tirals in the Pacific NW! Welcome Home Shine!

October 16, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RN, CL1, CL3R, CL2H, CL2-F CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned his 3rd AKC Rally Advanced A leg with a 1st place! and a score of 98

October 16, 2005
Ch. U-CD Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned her 2nd qualifying score in Open A obed with a score of 198.5 and 1st place.

October 15, 2005
Ch. U-CD Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned her first qualifying score in Open A obed with a score of 192.5 and 1st place.

October 15, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RN, CL1, CL3R, CL2H, CL2-F CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned his 2nd AKC Rally Advanced A leg with a 1st place! and a score of 98

October 14, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RN, CL1, CL3R, CL2H, CL2-F CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned his 1st AKC Rally Advanced A leg with a 1st place! and a perfect score of 100!!!

October 9, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RN, CL1-R, CL1-H, CL1-F CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned
Earned his 2nd AKC Novice standard Agility leg with a 1st place!

October 8, 2005
Carousel's Catch a Silver Ring, CGC "Cruise" owned and shown by Mary Wilmoth was winners dog for 1 point!

October 8, 2005
Carousel's Dream Time, (Can) RN "Reve" owned and trained by Carolyn Homonko Passed the Canadian Tracking dog test on her first try!
New Canadian Tracking Dog!

Oct 1-2, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RN, CL1-R, CL1-H, CL1-F CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned Q'd in 7 out of 10 runs with 2 first places, a third and 2 fourths.
Streaker is now - CL1, CL3R, CL2H, CL2-F! for CPE agility

October 2, 2005
Carousel's Less Talk More Action CD, AG.N, CGN, HiC(d) HiC(s) FM Rush, owned by Maria Jeffrey made her first preformance debut after almost 11 months off recovering from a fractured patella - Rush qualified in Advanced Standard Agility with a first place!.

Sept 24-25, 2005
Carousel's Time Traveler FDCh "Traveler" owned by Barbara Choo ran his first full flyball tournament without a single mistake - breaking his own speed record with a 3.67 and 3.68 second run!!

Sept 25, 2005
Carousel's Gift of Gold, CGC owned and shown by Dawn Newkirk and was Winners dog, Best of Winners and BOS for 2 points

Sept 25, 2005
CT U-CD Carousel's Triumphant Rumor, CD, HT, JHD, CGC "Brady" owned by Diane Muzzey earned his 2 leg AKC Herding Started leg with a 2nd place and reserve High in Trial!

Sept 24, 2005
Carousel's Sands of Time owned and trained by Mike and Christine Chapman and handled this weekend by Catherine Shields was Winners bitch for 1 point.

Sept 24, 2005
Carousel's Gift of Gold, CGC owned and shown by Dawn Newkirk and was Winners dog, Best of Winners and BOS for 2 points

Sept 24, 2005
CT U-CD Carousel's Triumphant Rumor, CD, HT, JHD, CGC "Brady" owned by Diane Muzzey earned his 1st AKC Herding Started leg with a 2nd place and reserve High in Trial!

Sept 24, 2005
Bliss vom Schwarzen Basilisk CD, NA, NAJ, NAP
owned by Lisa Swarthout and Catherine Shields and trained and shown by Lisa was winners bitch for 1 point

Sept 4, 2005
Ch Carousel's Diamond Royale, CDX, HTC(s), CGC "Beamer" owned by Becky Palm earned his first Utility leg! from Utility A!

Sept 4, 2005
Carousel's Diamond in the Ruff, UD, OA, OAJ, ASCA CD, CGC "Crash" owned by Wendy Geddings qualified in Excellent Standard agility for his 3rd leg!
New AX

Sept 3, 2005
Carousel's Gift of Gold, CGC owned and shown by Dawn Newkirk and was Winners dog, Best of Winners and Best of Breed for 1 point!

August 28, 2005
Carousel's Golden Opportunity, CD (CKC), HiC(s), CGN "Shine" owned by Jenn Bell and Catherine Shields was Winners bitch for another CKC point!

Aug 27, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RN, CL1, CL2-R, CL2-F CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned his first AKC Novice standard Agility leg with a 1st place and 31 seconds under course time!

Aug 20-21, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RN, CL1-R, CL1-H, CL1-F CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned Qualified in 7 out of 8 runs!
Streaker is now - CL1, CL2-R, CL2-F for CPE agility

Aug 20, 2005
Ch. U-CD Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford competed in Southern CA TOP Dog obed competition, out of 40 Novice Dogs, Ann and Holly came in first! with scores of 198 and 198.5 for a total score of 396.5!

Aug 20-21, 2005
Carousel's Time Traveler "Traveler" owned by Barbara Choo ROCKED his first weekend in flyball - running in the in the 3.7 to 3.8 second range!!
New FDCh

August 7, 2005
Carousel's Golden Opportunity, CD (CKC), HiC(s), CGN "Shine" owned by Jenn Bell and Catherine Shields was Winners bitch and BOB over a special for another CKC point!  

Aug 5-6, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RN, CL1-R, CL1-H, CL1-F CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned earned 3 CPE agility qualifying scores.

July 31, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned her 3rd qualifying score in UKC Novice obed.
New U-CD

July 31, 2005
Carousel's Gold Stryke, NA, NAJ, NAP "Stryker" owned by Pat Turpyn earned his 2nd qualifying score in Open Jumpers Agility with a 2nd place running a 33 sec course in 21 seconds and 100 points.

July 30-31, 2005
U-CD Carousel's Talk of the Town, CD, PT, ASCA CD, JHD, TT, CGC "Charm" owned by Robert and Karen Livell earned her 3rd U-CDX leg.

July 29-Aug 1, 2005
Carousel's Diamond in the Ruff, UD, OA, NAJ, ASCA CD, CGC "Crash" owned by Wendy Geddings qualified in Open Standard agility 2 times with a 1st and 2nd place (extra legs), 1 OAJ leg to finish his OAJ, 2 Agility Excellent standard legs with a 1st and 2nd, and a his First Excellent Jumpers leg with a 1st place! New OAJ

July 23-24th weekend 2005
Bliss vom Schwarzen Basilisk CD,NA, NAJ, NAP owned by Lisa Swarthout and Catherine Shields and trained and shown by Lisa in obed at the SAME show as Agility! Bliss had a 195.5 and a 195 in Novice B - both First place and was High in Trial on the 23rd!

July 23-24th weekend 2005
Bliss vom Schwarzen Basilisk CD, NAP owned by Lisa Swarthout and Catherine Shields and trained and shown by Lisa
Bliss started and finished her NA and NAJ with 5 first places and a second. One day at the trial she was high in trial woo-hoo for Bliss.
New NA and NAJ  

July 23-24, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RN, CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri qualified in 7 out of 8 runs and placed in 4 in CPE agility earning the following titles!
New CL1-R, CL1-H, and CL1-F

July 22, 2005
Carousel's Catch a Silver Ring, CGC "Cruise" owned and shown by Mary Wilmoth was winners dog for 1 point!

July 17, 2005
U-CDX Ch Trew Bleue Anticipation CDX, RN, HCT(s) "Tessa" owned, trained and loved by Catherine Shields earned her
3rd Rally Advanced leg with a 98 and 2nd place.
New RA

July 17, 2005
Carousel's Gold Stryke, NA, NAJ, NAP "Stryker" owned by Pat Turpyn earned his 2nd qualifying score in Standard Open Agility with a 1st place.

July 17, 2005
Ch Carousel's Dressed N Diamonds, OA, OAJ, CGC, HIC "Holiday" owned by Sharon Muller qualified in Excellent Jumpers with a 1st place for her first AXJ leg.

July 16, 2005
Carousel's Sands of Time owned and trained by Mike and Chris Chapman and handled this weekend by Catherine Shields was Winners bitch for her first point!

July 10, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned a qualifying score in AKC Novice obed with a score of 197 and 1st place.

July 9, 2005
U-CD Ch. Carousel's Diamonds N Sapphire CD, CGC "Fire" owned and shown by Helen Raseman earned her first U-CDX leg!

July 9, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned a qualifying score in AKC Novice obed with a score of 195 and 3rd place.

July 8, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned a qualifying score in AKC Novice obed with a first place winning a run off! 198+.

July 3, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Silver Dollar, TD, CGC "Rio" owned by Kathy and Alan Reyna was Best of Breed!

July 3, 2005
Carousel's Gift of Gold, CGC owned and trained by Dawn and Leon Newkirk and handled this weekend by Catherine Shields was Winners dog for 2 points!

July 2, 2005
Carousel's Gift of Gold, CGC owned and trained by Dawn and Leon Newkirk and handled this weekend by Catherine Shields was Winners dog for a 3 point major!

June 28, 2005
Bliss vom Schwarzen Basilisk NAP owned by Lisa Swarthout and Catherine Shields and trained and shown by Lisa earned her 3rd AKC Novice obed leg with a 194.5 and 2nd place.
New CD!!!

June 27, 2005
Bliss vom Schwarzen Basilisk NAP owned by Lisa Swarthout and Catherine Shields and trained and shown by Lisa earned her 2nd AKC Novice obed leg with a 194 and 3rd place.

June 27, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned a qualifying score in AKC Novice obed with a first place and a score of 195.5.

June 26, 2005
Bliss vom Schwarzen Basilisk NAP owned by Lisa Swarthout and Catherine Shields and trained and shown by Lisa Swarthout Earned her first AKC Novice obed leg with a 197 and first place!

June 26, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned a qualifying score in AKC Novice obed with a first place and a score of 197.5!

June 26, 2005
U-CDX Ch Trew Bleue Anticipation CDX, RN, HCT(s) "Tessa" owned, trained and loved by Catherine Shields earned her 2nd Rally Advanced leg with a 97 3rd place.

June 25, 2005
U-CD Carousel's Talk of the Town, CD, PT, ASCA CD, JHD, TT, CGC "Charm" owned by Robert and Karen Livell earned her first and 2nd U-CDX legs at back to back trials, winning both her classes and going High In Trial at BOTH trials!

June 25, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RN, CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned 1 point by going Best of Breed over a special!

June 25, 2005
U-CDX Ch Trew Bleue Anticipation CDX, RN, HCT(s) "Tessa" owned, trained and loved by Catherine Shields earned her 1st Rally Advanced leg with a 95.

June 19, 2005
Carousel's Sterling Silver "Indi" owned and trained by Holly Howell was Winners bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite for a 3 point major!
New Champion!

June 19, 2005
U-CDX Ch Trew Bleue Anticipation CDX, HCT(s) "Tessa" owned, trained and loved by Catherine Shields earned her 3rd Rally Novice leg with a 99 and a 2nd place.
New RN

June 19, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RN, CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned a qualifying score of 99 in Novice rally and 3rd place!

June 18, 2005
U-CDX Ch Trew Bleue Anticipation CDX, HCT(s) "Tessa" owned, trained and loved by Catherine Shields earned her 1st AND and 2nd Rally Novice legs with a 100 and a 98 placing first in both classes!.

June 5, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RN, CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned a qualifying score of 99 in Novice rally and 1st place!

June 5 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned a qualifying score in AKC Novice obed with a first place and a score of 198.5!

June 4, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RN, CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned a qualifying score in Novice rally, a 91 and 2nd place!

May 30, 2005
Carousel's Gold Stryke, NA, NAJ, NAP "Stryker" owned by Pat Turpyn earned his First qualifying score in Open Jumpers Agility with a 2nd place.

May 29, 2005
CT U-CD Carousel's Triumphant Rumor, CD, JHD, CGC "Brady" owned by Diane Muzzey earned his 2nd AKC Herding Tested leg.

May 29, 2005
Carousel's Gold Stryke, NA, NAJ, NAP "Stryker" owned by Pat Turpyn earned his First qualifying score in Standard Open Agility with a 3rd place.

May 29, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned a qualifying score in AKC Novice obed with a 3rd place in her class!

May 28, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned a qualifying score in AKC Novice obed with a 198 and 3rd place in her class!

May 28, 2005
CT U-CD Carousel's Triumphant Rumor, CD, JHD, CGC "Brady" owned by Diane Muzzey earned his first AKC Herding Tested leg.

May 27, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned a qualifying score in AKC Novice obed with a 198 and 3rd place in her class!

May 22, 2005
Carousel's Sterling Silver "Indi" owned and trained by Holly Howell was Winners bitch, Best and Best of Opposite for a 1 point.
Indi now just needs a major to finish her Championship.

May 21, 2005
Carousel's Sterling Silver "Indi" owned and trained by Holly Howell was Winners bitch, Best and Best of Opposite for a 1 point

May 15, 2005
Carousel's Silver Dollar, TD, CGC "Rio" owned by Kathy and Alan Reyna was WD, and Best of Breed for 1 point to finish his Breed Ch!
NEW Champion!

May 15, 2005
Carousel's Diamond in the Ruff, UD, OA, NAJ, ASCA CD, CGC "Crash" owned by Wendy Geddings qualified in Open B and placing 2nd in Utility B earning his 3rd UDX leg and 3 OTCH points!

May 15, 2005
Carousel's Best of Times CGC "Trace" owned by Donna Best earned their 2nd Rally Novice leg with a 98 and 2nd place!

May 15, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RN, CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned a qualifying score in Novice rally.

May 14, 2005
U-CDX Ch Trew Bleue Anticipation CD, HCT(s) "Tessa" owned, trained and loved by Catherine Shields earned her 3rd AKC CDX leg with a 3rd place.

May 14, 2005
Carousel's Silver Dollar, TD, CGC "Rio" owned by Kathy and Alan Reyna was WD, and Best of Breed for 1 point.

May 14, 2005
Carousel's Best of Times CGC "Trace" owned by Donna Best earned their first Rally Novice leg!

May 14, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, RN, CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned a qualifying score in Novice rally and placed 2nd in their class with a 97!

May 1, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned their 3rd, Novice Rally leg!
New RN!

May 1, 2005
U-CDX Ch Trew Bleue Anticipation CD, HCT(s) "Tessa" owned, trained and loved by Catherine Shields was Best Veteran in Sweepstakes and 4th place in the regular veteran class at the ABMC National.

April 30, 2005
The 3 Generations Team of U-CDX, Ch Trew Bleue Anticipation, CD, HTC(s), Ch Carousel's Diamond Royale, CDX, HTC(s), CGC, U-CD, Ch Carousel's Diamonds N Sapphire, CD, CGC, and Ch Carousel's Fields of Gold, CD, TDI, CGC Won the Team obed class at the ABMC National.

April 30, 2005
Ch Carousel's Diamond Royale, CDX, HTC(s), CGC "Beamer" owned by Becky Palm qualified in Open B at the ABMC National.

April 29, 2005
Carousel's Quick Silver "Tag" owned by Joan Mullen earned her 2 legs for her Herding Instinct Certificate at the ABMC National.

April 28, 2005
Ch Carousel's Dressed N Diamonds, OA, NAJ, CGC, HIC "Holiday" owned by Sharon Muller qualified in Open Jumpers at the ABMC National for her 3rd OAJ leg!.

April 23, 2005
U-CD Ch Trew Bleue Anticipation CD, HCT(s) "Tessa" owned, trained and loved by Catherine Shields earned her 3rd UKC CDX leg with a 1st place.

April 17, 2005
U-CD Carousel’s Diamonds N Sapphire CD, CGC "Fire" owned and shown by Helen Raseman was Winners Bitch for a 3 point Major to FINISH her Championship!
NEW Champion!

April 17, 2005
Carousel's Silver Dollar, CGC "Rio" owned by Kathy and Alan Reyna entered his first tracking test and passed the test!
NEW Tracking Dog!

April 3, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri was Winners dog for 2 points!

April 2, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned a qualifying score in AKC Novice obed with a 196.5 and 1st place in her class!

March 27, 2005
U-CD Ch Trew Bleue Anticipation CD, HCT(s) "Tessa" owned, trained and loved by Catherine Shields earned her 2nd AKC CDX leg with a 2nd place in a class of 24 dogs, with a score of 190.5.

March 27, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned their 2nd, Novice Rally leg! from the novice A class, First place and the only perfect 100 score out of 91 dogs entered!

March 27, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned a qualifying score in AKC Novice obed with a 198 and 2nd place in her class!

March 26, 2005
Carousel's Diamond in the Ruff, UD, NA, NAJ, ASCA CD, CGC "Crash" owned by Wendy Geddings qualified in Open Jumpers/Weaves for his 2nd AKC Agility Open Jumpers leg, 2nd place in his class

March 26, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold CD, TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned a qualifying score in AKC Novice obed leg with a 198 and 1st place in her class!

March 26, 2005
Carousel's Time Traveler "Traveler" owned by Barbara Choo earned 2 qualifying scores in CKC Novice Rally obed with his 2nd leg a 198 and 1st place in their class!

March 20, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned her 3rd AKC Novice obed leg with a 197 and 1st place in her class and High scoring herding breed - with scores of 197, 199 and 197 - making her average score for her 3 legs 197.6
GOOD JOB Ann and Holly!

New CD

March 20, 2005
U-CD Carousel's Talk of the Town, CD, ASCA CD, JHD, TT, CGC "Charm" owned by Robert and Karen Livell earned her 2nd Pre-Trial herding leg.

March 19, 2005
U-CD Ch Trew Bleue Anticipation CD, HCT(s) "Tessa" owned, trained and loved by Catherine Shields earned her 2nd UKC CDX leg with a 2nd place and a score of 194

March 19, 2005
U-CD Carousel's Talk of the Town, CD, ASCA CD, JHD, TT, CGC "Charm" owned by Robert and Karen Livell earned her first Pre-Trial herding leg.

March 19, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned her 2nd AKC Novice obed leg with a 199 and 1st place in her class. High scoring herding breed and HIGH IN TRIAL!!!!

March 19, 2005
Carousel's Time Tracker, RN, CGC "Trooper" owned by Deb Davis earned his a qualifying score in AKC Rally Obedience!

March 13, 2005
U-CD Ch Trew Bleue Anticipation CD, HCT(s) "Tessa" owned, trained and loved by Catherine Shields earned her first AKC CDX leg

March 13 2005
Carousel's Silver Star "Hayley" owned by Kira Raichert passed her CGC and TDI!!!
New CGC and TDI

March 13 2005
Carousel's Silver Lining "Georgia" owned by Jeanine Daugherty passed her CGC and TDI!!!
New CGC and TDI

March 12, 2005
Carousel's Diamond in the Ruff, UD, NA, NAJ, ASCA CD, CGC "Crash" owned by Wendy Geddings qualified in Open B and Utility B earning his 2nd UDX leg!

March 12, 2005
Ch. Carousel's Fields of Gold TDI, CGC "Holly" owned by Ann and Rich Blashford earned her 1st AKC Novice obed leg with a 197 and 1st place in her class!

March 12, 2005
Carousel's Silver Dollar, CGC "Rio" owned by Kathy and Alan Reyna was WD, and Best of Breed over a special a 1 point.

March 6, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri was Winners dog and BOB for 1 point!

March 6, 2005
Carousel's Golden Opportunity, CD (CKC), HiC(s), CGN "Shine" owned by Jenn Bell was Winners bitch and BOB for another CKC point!

March 5, 2005
Carousel's Best of Times "Trace" owned by Donna Best passed his CGC at 11 months old.

Feb 27, 2005
U-CD Carousel's Talk of the Town, CD, ASCA CD, TT, CGC "Charm" owned by Robert and Karen Livell passed her Earned both her Junior Herding dogs legs!.

Feb 27, 2005
Carousel's Sterling Silver "Indi" owned and trained by Holly Howell was Winners bitch, Best and Best of Opposite for a 2 points

Feb 27, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silvestri earned their first, Novice Rally leg!

Feb 27, 2005
Carousel's Time Tracker, RN, CGC "Trooper" owned by Deb Davis earned his a qualifying score in AKC Rally Obedience!

Feb 26, 2005
Carousel's Dream Time "Reve" owned and trained by Carolyn Homonko earned her 2nd and 3rd Canadian Rally-O Novice leg with a 196 and 195!
New Canadian RN!

Feb 26, 2005
Carousel's Time Tracker CGC "Trooper" owned by Deb Davis earned his 3rd qualifying score in AKC Rally Obedience!
New AKC - RN

Feb 26, 2005
Carousel's Sterling Silver "Indi" owned and trained by Holly Howell was Winners bitch, Best and Best of Opposite for a 2 points

Feb 26, 2005
Carousel's Catch a Silver Ring, CGC "Cruise" owned and shown by Mary Wilmoth was winners dog and BOB for 1 point!

Feb 26, 2005
Carousel's Silver Streak, CGC "Streaker" owned and shown by Angela Silevstri at their first UKC breed show Streakers was, best male of variety and best male for 23 UKC breed points!

Feb 12, 2005
Carousel's Silver Dollar, CGC "Rio" owned by Kathy and Alan Reyna - on his 1 yr birthday! passed his AKC tracking certification track - Rio is now ready to enter AKC tracking tests!

Feb 5, 2005
U-CD Ch Trew Bleue Anticipation CD, HCT(s) "Tessa" owned, trained and loved by Catherine Shields earned her first U-CDX leg with a 2nd place in her class!

January 23, 2005
Carousel's Silver Dollar, CGC "Rio" owned by Kathy and Alan Reyna was WD for a 4 point Major!

January 22, 2005
Carousel's Silver Dollar, CGC "Rio" owned by Kathy and Alan Reyna was WD, and Best Opposite Sex over 2 specials for a 5 point Major!

January 16, 2005
Carousel's Golden Opportunity, CD (CKC), HiC(s), CGN "Shine" owned by Jenn Bell was WB, BW and Best of Breed over a special for an AKC Point

anuary 14, 2005
Carousel's Golden Opportunity, CD (CKC), HiC(s), CGN "Shine" owned by Jenn Bell earned her First qualifying score in AKC Novice Obedience - with a 190 and 2nd place!

January 14 and 16, 2005
U-CD Carousel's Talk of the Town, CD, ASCA CD, TT, CGC "Charm" owned by Robert and Karen Livell participated in a Dock Diving contest Charm was First in Junior and Spash division finishing 9th over all out of 40 dogs!

January 9, 2005
Carousel's Time Tracker CGC "Trooper" owned by Deb Davis earned his Second qualifying score in AKC Rally Obedience!

January 8, 2005
Carousel's Time Tracker CGC "Trooper" owned by Deb Davis earned his first qualifying score in AKC Rally Obedience!

January 3, 2005
U-CD Carousel's Talk of the Town, CD, ASCA CD, CGC "Charm" owned by Robert and Karen Livell passed her ATTS Temperament test.
New TT

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