Sire: "Ace" Ch Kanduit's Enough Said, AD - OFA Good, OFA elbows, patella and
Cardiac, CERF
Apache passed the Schutzhund Feb - 2007!
Apache earned his BH on 12-3-05! Congrats!!!!
Apache at 9 weeks old Apache 10 weeks Apache at 13 weeks Apache at 5 months old
Apache 6 months old Apache at 18 months Apache at 20 months BOB win for his first points
U-CD Ch. Promise des Ombres Valeureux, RN OFA Excellent, OFA Elbows, GDC
Stifles, CERF
to see the pedigree
Red male 7 weeks + 2 days 11.5#
Apache and his big "brother" Leggi
gonnnnnaaaa get that jug!
GOT it!