U-CDX Carousel's Call of The Wild UD GN GO VER RN MX MXJ MJB
High in trial for his 3rd Novice leg, first place for all 3 legs. (April 2009)
OFA Hips Excellent, Elbows Normal, CERF
"Phoenix" is owned and loved by Melinda Wichmann, Iowa
12-28-06 - 4:17am "Red White and Blue Boy"
Phoenix and Melinda made their way home on Feb 23rd after a whirlwind trip to Oregon and back home!

Keep up with Melinda and her boys - Jamie and Phoenix on her bog!

16 months

6 months

6 months

6 months

4 1/2 months

4 1/2 months

10 weeks old

10 weeks old

10 weeks old

10 weeks old

7 weeks old

6 weeks old

5 weeks old
3 1/2 weeks old

2 weeks old

10 days old
His first picture 3 days old

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copyright (c) 2000-2009 Carousel Belgian Malinois